Outer Edge Twitter Space: Coming To The Outer Edge

April 5, 2023
NFT Coming to the Outer Edge

Josh Kriger and Benjamin Noble of Howl Labs lead this Twitter Space conversation leading to the Outer Edge 2023. He is joined by Nytmare and Decryptolorian (WHALE Members), Daniel Killeen and Dominic Carbonaro (Ava Labs), Ken DiCross (Wire Network), Genevieve Thiers (Entertainmint), Tony Bravado (NFTCLT), and Bdice (Bdice Arts). They share what each of them has to bring to this incredible event that brings together the industry’s leading experts, builders, creators, and founders. Tune in now and find out what to expect at the Outer Edge.


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Outer Edge Twitter Space: Coming To The Outer Edge

I wanted to get a little spontaneous for a second. Zach and I were texting as we do 2,000 times a day. He's like my second wife/husband but we are going to talk all about what's going on with Outer Edge. We have some of the incredible people that are going to be part of it speaking at this last pre-Outer Edge Twitter Space.

I know there are people here that have not yet gotten a ticket. They are last-minute people. We have a fun little thing that we are going to do. If you haven't gotten your ticket and you decide to jump in, there's going to be a code that we are giving you called NOFOMO. Zach's going to generate it and it's going to be for 25% off.

On top of that, if you buy a GA ticket, you are going to get invited to the VIP dinner reception, which is some incredible Italian foods and jazz. Sammy Arriaga is performing. It's going to be lit and that's going to be Monday from 6:00 to 9:00. You can skip the line and the very expensive VIP ticket. Buy a GA ticket and use the code NOFOMO. Save 25% and get invited to the VIP dinner with all these crazy cats in the house.

That's a big deal. I remember last year some of my favorite contacts and people I ended up vibing with and have continued to stay in touch with whom I met at that VIP party. I'm looking forward to it.

I will be there at 5:00 setting up but the dinner is from 6:00 to 9:00 on Monday night.

We have some great guests in the house. This is the space before the main event. My plane ticket’s booked. I'm flying out there. I know a lot of you as well. Adding some more of our guests up on stage but why don't we do this? Let's go around and introduce ourselves a little bit. Nobody needs to hear from me anymore but I want to shoot over to Decryptolorian because it's such a fun name to say. Decryptolorian, do you want to say what's up and talk a little bit about your project? We will then throw it to Nytmare.

Thanks for having me. I'm excited about this. Honestly, I'm going home. I'm a California native but I have moved out to the East Coast and I have been here for several years in East Coast. I grew up in California for about twenty years. I would say I'm a half and half. I have been in this what we call the Web3 space. It wasn't called that a few years ago. I started in the late-2019 and then in 2020. I joined WHALE early on. That's a great project that we started with our Founder WhaleShark. Nytmare speaks way more eloquently than me so I will have him give the rundown of what the project is.

I have been with WHALE since almost conception and it's been a wild ride. We have done a lot of great things. We have one of the coolest and most expensive NFT vaults in the space with some of the artists that are amazing like XCOPY. I could go on and on. I started writing and then I went to video editing. I'm the Head of Art over here at WHALE. I have consulted with several different projects around the space like gaming and art projects. I have been having a blast this past few years being in the space and that's a little bit about me. Thanks for having me.

That's some big beluga energy. Throw it to Nytmare to talk more about WHALE. Tell us about you, Nytmare and what is WHALE in your words.

DC is just being humble. He's an artist himself and in doing so, he was able to help shepherd our project from inception. WHALE, we are a community that came together early. Arguably one of the first, if not the first, social token and community that was formed around NFTs. Our Founder is WhaleShark. Many people are familiar with WhaleShark and OG Collector in the space.

We are fortunate to have amassed an incredible vault of NFTs from the early historic days, when people were minting from artists like DC mentioned, Pak and XCOPY. The value proposition is from a ton of one of the ones early from these creatives. Also, we have something like 3,000 parcels of metaverse land, some of the absolute most valuable. We have the most valuable collection on NBA Top Shot, all the legendary collectible cards on Gods Unchained and gaming assets.

Our community aggregated, came together and amalgamated around what we thought Web3 could be, the power of interoperability and building community and what this unique smashing of tech and culture could do. This was around 2019 and 2020. With that, we had a unique community with a lot of creatives, artists, collectors and enthusiasts, people that were hyped up and excited about what this could mean for the future. A lot of the people that went on to build platforms and some of the marketplaces we use were hanging with us all talking about what we were excited about.

It's a very cool historic community. We are there. We steward that vault and do a lot of cool things with it. This is one of our first forays into an IRL presence in North America. We have done a lot of things throughout the world so we are pretty hyped up about that but that's a bit about our organization, our historic proponents of creatives and people that are enthusiasts for the space and everything that Web3 can be from decentralized social media to DAOs to tokenization, which is what we are. We are a social token. We like to integrate all that cool stuff, smash it up and be here in the heart of it.

Are you the ones that got the mythic Gods Unchained cards?

We do. We have two.

You monsters. I hate you. That's so great. I have the entire Genesis set minus any of the Mythics so thank you for playing that thing I will never be able to obtain. Which ones do you have, Prometheus or Hyperion?

We do have Prometheus. I'm going to check with our Gods Unchained expert, Zorro who's in the crowd. He's our Gods Unchained master. He's good at the game so I will check with him.

Twitter faces are getting a little wonky. I see people come in on and off the stage. We will deal with it as we always do. As an FYI, if you are having trouble, leave and come back. Sometimes that helps. Are you going to be looking to collect more art while you are out there? That's what every artist in the crowd is thinking. “These guys are vaulting grails. Are they going to vault my grail?”

We love to empower creatives and do everything we can do to platform the space but we are not trying to throw out chum there in the water. We are here to support everybody.

I was trying to get you mobbed at the thing like all the other people.

We don't like to make any promises and that's not what the organization is about but we always have open arms to help any and every creative or builder in any way possible. As an aside, I wanted to throw this out there. We have an offshoot, a sister company that works in eSports. We are working on getting them to use the Mythics live in games. I'm working on that too.

I did not know that. You probably didn't know. We have an eSports event. One of our premier community events is from 12:00 to 5:00 at the Future Factory, which is one of the original founders of Temple Nightclub building it. They have come on to host an eSports event for us. If you are still in town, that sounds like your jam.

I heard that in a space and was trying to look up the details. We might come through to that. It’s all facets of Web3 from decentralized social media to DAOs and tokenization. The concept of when you guys said, “This isn’t NFT LA anymore. This is Outer Edge,” couldn't be more synergistic with what our mission is and what we want to represent.

We say that we are the home for the natively digital. Like many people, we believe that tokenization is inevitable and it's what you can do with this tech to expand it from community building to altruistic things to cool stuff that collectors want to do and creatives in the space. There's so much more that you can wrap around with this and so enriching that it can be for culture. We get hyped up about it and was right in line with what you guys did for your changes.

It's so great to have you as a partner. You could have been the voiceover or launch video. You said it so eloquently. That's what we believe too. That's what we talk about in our show every day. We have the space recorded. We can go back and pull the quotes. It's going to be a great time. We got that content. That awesome statement was captured. Speaking of the progression of this future, into the new age, I want to talk about Entertainmint with Ms. Genevieve. Genevieve, are you with us?

I'm here. How are you doing? Also, AJ Salmen is here from our team too. He's down there with the cool glasses.

The 3D glasses are a staple. I don't know how that became a staple of the memed Web3 culture but it is.

It did. It's a hallmark for sure.

“We are not Netflix anymore, Toto.” That's the website tagline. Can you explain that?

Our very snarky tag. We have got a whole bunch of those queued up and it's starting to rotate through them but mostly I'd say our tagline is that we are for artists. Fans want to collaborate more with creators. We help that happen. Entertainmint is a ticketing platform. We help creators sell tickets to fans for collaborative creation events. If you look at our beta, it's Entertainmint.com. We are on the Ethereum chain. You will see we are mostly targeted with video. It's cool. We have got all these awesome projects. We have the Frenchie Ballers, CrashPunks and NFT animated series but we have also got a comedy show and mini-series.

Our fans are helping the creators make the work by buying NFTs that are essentially collaborative experiences. They can be in a crowd scene or pictures on the wall of the set. They can put their NFT in as a certain role but we are excited. It's working. We are expanding a little bit more into music, graphic art, graphic novels, poetry and anything collaborative. We want to help the ticketing system with that. I'm looking at you Tree Poetry and a couple of you in here, you fabulous creators. Come find us. We can help you with grants and help get your fan base ticketed into doing something collaboratively with you.

I saw in one of my side chats somebody saying, “I have never applied for a grant before.” Get familiar because there are a lot of Web3 grants to be had out there and there are amazing projects like yours where it's like, “Come get this money. We want you to create. We are baiting you in.”

We gave out $150,000 in grants in 2022 and more in 2023. We are determined to help creators go around gatekeepers. It's particularly hard to be a creator in the video area. There's not a lot between TikTok and Netflix. What we are trying to do is help make all that easier by providing a bridge to fans but grants are everything.

Creators need all the support they can get, especially right now when it is particularly hard to create video content. There's not really a lot between TikTok and Netflix. Click To Tweet

We don't have a fancy crazy process. It’s just, “Come on in. If you have got a great project, you are a creator and you have fans, we will help you.” Instantly snap your fans into something collaborative with a ticketing system. Since Stoner Cats and Project Iceman and all of those, old creators are interested in like, “I can be maybe a little more collaborative than I was before.” We are riding that vibe and helping everybody snap the two sides together.

A guiding force is needed. I run into amazing creators all the time. Where do I start the question is always the first one out. It's wonderful to have Entertainmint involved. I'm sure you will be out there and meet amazing people. We have also got some great infrastructure here, some of the pioneers of the backbone of the future of Web3. I want to touch on that a little bit by throwing it to Wire Network. Wire Network is a Layer-1 if you are not familiar but I'm going to allow you guys to explain that. Ken, do you want to give it a go?

Thanks for the introduction. To give you a little background about me, I have been in the space since 2013. I have got the witness 3 full bull markets and 3 full bear markets since we are in the last one. It gave me a lot of experience as to what was needed to take this entire space to the next level as far as blockchain.

We created Wire Network back in 2020. We wanted to figure out what exactly in each vertical was needed for these mass adoption moments that we keep talking about that we are trying to get to. The first one was you needed a fast blockchain. We created Wire which is a Layer-1 that has 112,000 TPS. It's built for NFTs and gaming or anything else that needs fast transactions and throughput. That's what we built it for.

We believe that gaming is going to be that event that allows everybody from the traditional markets to come into the blockchain space. It's the easiest way to get everybody in. We needed the fast blockchain. If we are trying to get everybody in, you need a nice registration process but it has to be Web3.

Think of how Google has its sign-in or Facebook has its single sign-on. We created a Web3 registration process that functions like that which allows username email and password to generate your Web3 identity to provide you name service like your .ETH but it will be your .WIRE. It has something else that's new in the space that we are rolling out. It has an account recovery tool. If you forget your password, if you are on Instagram, TikTok or your bank account, in Web3, your identity is also where you store your assets in your wallet.

You need an account recovery mechanism, trustless and fully decentralized. We have that already rolled out. That will be part of a bigger release in the spring and summer of 2023. The last thing was we create a fast blockchain. We have this registration process. What do we do for the rest of the blockchain space, which is very siloed? You have a lot of liquidity in users on Solana, Ethereum, Tezos and Cardano, you name it. We created a universal interoperability protocol. We are rolling this out in late spring of 2023 and it's going to unite all L-1s and L-2s without a bridge so that all assets, coins and NFTs can all interact with each other.

This is huge what you learned. Ken, when did you announce this to the world?

The interoperability protocol is called UPAP for Universal Polymorphic Address Protocol. We released that in an article but we are releasing the alpha of it of the actual protocol here in April 2023.

We have all been asking for this, wanting this and talking about this. I have tried some of the ones that tried to do this and have gotten my tokens stuck in some black hole. It's amazing what you are doing here. The whole industry thanks you and benefits from this. I wanted to give you a special shout-out because we talk about co-creation and curiosity as some of the tenants of Outer Edge LA.

Ken came to us and said, “I want to be a real partner. I want to help you guys get off of Web2 technology like Umbrella and create a means for your whole community to connect and use some of our cool technologies. The WIRE team sprinted this built-in app that's getting launched in the Apple store and the Google store or Android store momentarily. It's going to give everyone a chance to network their butts off at Outer Edge LA and for perpetuity.” We couldn't be more delighted and thank you for building that for us.

It's quite the opportunity. It's not for us. It's not just about telling everybody to regurgitate what I said. I want to show proof of concepts. I want to show our technology and action. I thought that there was no better avenue to do that. I'm from LA so to have this event be right on my doorstep to create a Web3 version Umbrella since this is the space that we are going and provide that to Outer Edge so that you can utilize all those features I thought was a perfect partnership.

Everyone that comes to Outer Edge will have the ability to stay in touch with each other. I have been to 30 to 40 conferences and it's not easy to keep that connectivity. You meet people and then you are off to the next conversation to get those meetings scheduled. It's valuable. We shared with Ken what we wanted in an app based on our experience as media, conference attendees and conference hosts. You guys will all get to benefit from that.

The last thing I will say about that is what you are getting with us is when you are registering, your ticket will be inside of the app like as an NFT. Also, with your registration, you will get name service on Wire Network and that is the foundation for the universal interoperability protocol itself. That will already get you in the game. When we do the full release of the universal interoperability, you already have your identity inside that mechanism.

NFT Coming to the Outer Edge
Outer Edge: When you register with Ken DiCross’s app, your ticket will be inside the app like an NFT. But the registration will be name service on Wire Network. That is the foundation of the universal interoperability protocol.

By coming to Outer Edge LA and getting this app, you are getting your .WIRE name service and permanent account started.

That's a solid onboarding move right there. I can honestly say. I will be getting my .WIRE for sure. We also need to address the other guys that have been doing a great job building infrastructure in creating digital access points for Web3 focused on creating that blazing flash and low-cost blockchain with Avalanche as well. I have seen some great projects coming out of Avalanche. They are pushed to tokenize and create Web3 worlds for us. Who wants to take it? Dominic or Daniel? We will cover both of you but Daniel, it’s on you. You got this.

It’s going to be hard to follow the Wire guy but let's do it.

You are going through your folder. What are our updates?

Jokes aside, Avalanche is a third-generation blockchain. What that means is it's an advancement in consensus technologies. There are three forms of consensus and distributed systems history. First is systems like Visa or MasterCard classical systems likely what the majority of the blockchain world sits on. Came Nakamoto, your Bitcoin and Ethereum of the world and then finally your Avalanche.

What big component of Avalanche that separates us from everything else is finality. A lot of focus in the industry is on TPS and how many transactions you could process but we are also keen on having that instant transaction functionality. Our latency is from the second you click it, it will be in your wallet.

There's another fun feature that Avalanche has which is called subnets which allow for limitless porting of a blockchain. We can do about 22,000 blockchains on top of our network that sits on top of our consent layer and allow you to transfer and settle assets across them. We are about 55 blockchains live but the long-term vision, the subnet vision is that you can have thousands upon thousands of application-specific blockchains for whatever use. It’s what I envision to be a long-term sustainable approach to offset gas fees or the issue of block space.

We can dive a little bit more on the NFT side of things with some questions but we are very focused on the NFT initiatives here. We are a team that's been around for a few years. 2023 is going to be our biggest year yet. We have had some great partnerships lined up in the past, MCs on the gaming side but also with events like Avalanche Park in the Los Angeles area as well with Ed Balloon, which is a great use case of bringing Web3 worlds into the Web2 world.

We had Web3 artists, Ed Balloon and Witch Prophet, do a concert with JPEGMAFIA and Clipping. We sold out the concert with over 2,000 people attending all NFT ticketing showcasing what's possible. It’s a super easy UX and UI with an application doing gate that sits on top of Avalanche. We are keen to focus on mass markets with our resources and try to do the whole what is mass adoption or mass attention focus and being sustainable on a Layer-1 blockchain. Not having to do anything with roll-ups or bridging on that network. I'm excited about the long-term goals for us here. Hopefully, we can come back in a few more weeks or months and give you something more to look into as well because we are excited about what we are doing.

I'm a big believer in the multi-chain universe. There are a lot of purpose-built blockchains. You are talking about this abstraction layer where you create something as a foundation and then there are other offshoot networks that have to operate in a specific way to attest to very specific data that we are trying to process and make sure that everybody's comfortable with things like security while maintaining speed and all that stuff.

I'm in admiration of all the builders in this space. A lot of people say they are building for NFT people. It's creating. The true builders are the guys working on the code base for the blockchains. That goes far beyond my understanding but we appreciate you because, without you, this whole Web3 phenomenon wouldn't be possible. I want to throw it to Dominic because, Dominic, you are focused on the NFT side of the business. There's been a lot of progress getting Avalanche involved in platforms like OpenSea and things like that where we can see Avalanche making a play to get NFT socialized in that capacity. Do you want to speak about that a little bit?

I head up the NFT vertical. Dan's on my team. We have been at work developing our strategy since the end of Q3 in 2022. We are excited about what we have been working on and the strategy we are taking. We are trying to take a creator-first approach. We feel that creators and communities are the most important thing and everything else tends to follow that. That's going to be our focus going into 2023. It's exciting for us to see some people from my team in the crowd as well. It’s multiple months’ worth of work, planning, contracts and everything. It's coming to a head for us. We are excited to roll everything out and see the growth over the coming quarters for us.

We made it through all of our guests. There's so much talent here. We have so much we could cover off on. For those of you that want more of an in-depth overview of these projects, you got to come to the Outer Edge. That's where you are going to get a lot of this FaceTime and details where you can go deep into the subtopics. Let's talk about what's coming up and what alpha we are teasing out. Maybe that's a great place to start. Josh, do you want to cover some of the side events, workshops and things like that?

All these folks are doing panels that are more in-depth in different areas. I'd love to remind everyone what's coming up for Outer Edge and what to expect. I had the pleasure of meeting 150 incredible young future entrepreneurs that learn how to make a difference in the creator economy through Web3 technology. We did this in South Central LA and it was amazing. These kids came pumped to learn and they learned a lot. Twenty of them are coming to the event. Fast forward, we have a hackathon in Santa Monica with over 150 developers and creators who applied and are going to build some cool things with over $10,000 in bounties.

There's something for everyone. There is a cool casual meetup event at Future Factory followed by an official opening party with GoldenDAO. If you do have a VIP ticket, there's a private Italian dinner and jazz night. We get up early because we have some incredible workshops to start the day. If you want to go a little bit deeper down the rabbit hole and learn before all the networking happens, the early bird gets the worm. We have a workshop on marketing taught by our friends at Hall. Thank you, guys.

We have a workshop on wellness from FOMO to JOMO taught by Shira Lazar and Jordana Reim. We have a workshop on Tokenomics with the leadership team at Animoca Brands. It's coming in from Hong Kong and London. This is about Tokenomics and loyalty rewards. It's going to be lit. We have ZenAcademy and two of their leaders teaching how to build community and Web3.

We get into an incredible day with so many talks that I can't wait to see. I'm going to throw out one that came together and I'm not sure if people are fully aware of it. Our closing talk, which is the reason you want to stay all day is on art, blockchains and culture with none other than Erick Calderon, Jack Butcher, Betty and Jen Stark on the same panel. That's going to be exciting. Tal Navarro is putting together a fashion show. At that point, you’re juiced and a million other community events are happening.

It kicks off just as exciting. There may be a special speaker that I can maybe even announce by the end of this show. She is someone that we all know. We have heard her music for many years. She's also into Web3 so a little hint there. Someone probably knows from the audience. We then get into all sorts of cool talks again.

One I'm excited about and I don't know if people realize this is we have the president of CBS, the head of creative for Paramount and the directive NFTs from Warner Brothers, having a conversation about how major studios are embracing Web3. Right after that, there's a conversation with Neil Strauss, Betty, Bobby Hundreds and FVCKRENDER. It keeps going and going. Our closing talk is also lit and that includes Phil Quist from CAA, illaDaProducer the producer from Yuga Labs and Jacqui Bransky from the VP of Innovation for Warner Records talking about harmonizing music, artist management and culture in 2023 and beyond.

There are another 50 amazing talks including the folks on this stage. You are not going to have to stress out about FOMO because you are going to get all of that content online on our website for free as ticket holders for perpetuity after the event. You can go to a talk, relax, go to another talk and hang out. Maybe you want to meet up with Deepak Chopra, head of the Metaverse who's going to be there or any one of the amazing people that's coming. I couldn't be more grateful for how the community has come together and represented at this event. That's a little bit of it.

It keeps going. We have a community day with over twenty events all over LA from the day of wellness, if you want to chill, to eSports, if you want to go down that rabbit hole and to more art-oriented events. Gabe Weis is doing a paint party. It's going to be amazing as well. There's going to be a certain DJ hopefully that I can officially announce soon that we will be closing things up at one of the fun events happening around the city.

It's going to be a fun week. If you have not got your ticket yet, use the code NOFOMO. We will see who bought a ticket and one of those folks will get upgraded to the VIP dinner. I'd love to ask this incredible panel what they are looking forward to about Outer Edge LA besides maybe talk a little bit about what they are going to be talking about on their panels and maybe something else that they are looking forward to. That would be a cool round-the-horn given the size of our audience.

I'm letting you run with it, Josh. Who are we calling out for that? I want to know why Zach and Nytmare have the same eye and who their doctor is.

Let's start with Nytmare. What are you talking about on your panel? You got the gallery. Maybe talk a little bit about that. Anything else that gets you pumped up?

This is our first North American IRL event so we are excited. There are tons of creatives, builders and even collectors and enthusiasts. I see some of our exhibiting artists in the audience here as well. Being able to put faces with names and chop them up in person is invaluable. I love some of the things that the anonymity or pseudo-anonymity of Web3 can provide but there's a lot that you can do in person that you can't through some of these connections. That in itself is invaluable.

In addition to being our first-ever event, we are sponsoring a gallery within the convention, which is cool. There are over ten organizations that will be displaying art in it and it's a unique structure. I'm excited to see it all come together and have lots of opportunities for people to experience different types of art from lots of different creatives.

As an organization, we are blessed to have this collection of OG art. A lot of our curation of gallery exhibitions we have done over the past years or so has been a lot on the breadth and beauty of a lot of things that we hold. I wanted to lean in a little bit since I had the keys to the car and WhaleShark. I want a little grimy, cyberpunk and a little frenetic.

We’re highlighting some cool glitched art and animation from early pioneers like XCOPY, NeuroColor, Coldie and Hackatao. As you walk through that, it will be a cool experience. That's dope. I'm looking forward to talking to people about that whole sensory experience when you have all of that surrounding you. It’s unique.

Thank you for stepping up, leading the way and getting this going. It was because you said yes that all these other activations were built around your leadership. Thanks for that.

We appreciated you guys' approach as well in saying, “We want to make sure that the art is platformed in such a way. We want to have this breadth of representation.” It was an awesome experience working with you guys as well. In addition to that, we have some panel talks we are doing also. It’s super dope. One I'm looking forward to is a cross-chain future exploring NFTs on alternative blockchains.

Ordinals going bananas. Interoperability is important. Arbitrum announces an airdrop. This is very interesting to talk about from a community perspective, a collector perspective and the perspective of being a creator in this ecosystem. We got a stacked eclectic panel. We have Wes Hazard who's part of our team and also a big part of gmDAO. He’s a brilliant dude. Three times Jeopardy! champion. He makes me sound like I need to go back to school. He’s an amazing collector and has a lot of experience in that realm and perspective.

Everyone must look forward to crossing chain future exploring NFTs on alternative blockchains. Interoperability is important. Click To Tweet

We also have Gabe Weis, who we all know is incredible as well and his projects cross-chain with the Stoics and other things that he does. Kevin DeGods, CEO of Dust Labs, can talk to the community and how they are leveraging various blockchains. They are hoarding to do some unique things. The brilliant Sasha Stiles will be joining us as well to talk about what this means for experimentation from her perspective and the movement as a whole. It’s a good conversation to have there.

I'm also excited about Genevieve's panel. Genevieve came on as one of our partners as well to flesh out impactful storytelling and the sharpest tool to create high-value IP. Genevieve, you have got a great panel too like Patrick Lee from Rotten Tomatoes, CEO JP Alanis from StoryCo and Josh Wagner from Virtue Animation. What are you guys going to talk about?

First of all, we are so honored to be with StoryCo and Virtue on a panel. Their works are brilliant. We are going to talk about the industry. A lot of people have been moving around the entertainment side of the creator economy and trying to take different approaches. The good news is we all seem to like each other. We are all feeling like we are all pushing the boulder up the hill.

I have talked to Orange Comet. Everybody is collegial because we are all in this together. I was going to say I am after the creators at this. I can't wait to talk to Jen Stark, Sabet and Spottie Wifi. They have done an amazing job raising funds. Miguel Faus did an amazing job raising funds for his film with NFTs. Evette Vargas one of our creators is coming with Confessions and she's got these Web3 angles. If you are a creator, we are going to be tackling you at some point during this to see if we can help you.

You might not know this because there's so much alpha to share but we have a Creator Corner that is built out with eight different surfaces for creators to do live painting on. We have a whole bunch of top creators that are going to come to do some painting.

That's so much fun. We are probably going to live there with a laptop.

Assuming where all the good vibes start, it's going to be the Creator Corner for sure. That's awesome. We’re excited to have you there. Avalanche, you guys are also on a cool panel. Dominic, you are hanging out with Snark Art and others.

I'm super excited about that. Discussing topics with those people is going to be exciting.

We got you Gabriel Aleman from Art Blocks as your moderator to make it that much cooler.

I have been a huge, not only fan but supporter of Art Blocks and what they have been building over there for a long time. They have an amazing brand. They put out some of the best generative artists in this space. It's going to be a great meeting of the minds but there's going to be a lot of good opinions and different stances on that so I'm excited to chop it up with all of them.

They did that collab with Paris Hilton. You guys are going to be focused on the social experience of art. It's something that the cultural and social aspect of digital art has been so enhanced with supportive NFT technology so that would be a fun conversation. Ken, what are you talking about? I'm trying to find your panel here in my giant spreadsheet but you probably know firsthand. Ken is on a panel with OneOf which is like why would OneOf and Wire be in the same panel? OneOf has been thinking about onboarding a lot since the beginning. They are doubling down on that and that's important to you as well, Ken.

Not surprisingly, the panel is blockchain utility and tools at the cutting edge. That's where we live. That's going to be a great panel to get into a deeper discussion about some of the things that we have talked about. To go back to a little bit of the app that we are creating, there's a cool ancillary product that we created that we stuck into the app and it's an NFT camera.

You are going to be able to take pictures as you would with your normal camera setup but it's inside the app. You will be able to create free NFTs on the fly with your camera in under 30 seconds as you snap, do a brief description of it and you can mint on our blockchain. That's going to be something cool that we are going to be able to do with the Outer Edge app.

NFT Coming to the Outer Edge
Outer Edge: With an NFT camera, you can take pictures and create free NFTs on the fly in just a few seconds.

I didn't even know that I participated in the requirements gathering session. I missed that one.

We snuck that one in. We thought it'd be cool to do even potentially a game there like a treasure hunt with the NFT camera as proof of space-time. We have another unique aspect of Wire, the blockchain, that is going to end up being a giveaway on the app. Our blockchain has two modes. A base mode, which is how normal blockchains work. Users pay gas fees when they interact with applications. We have a premium mode which is in the form of a node.

When you power an application by a node, you give your users a free gas fee as they are interacting with your application. If you build the next great NFT marketplace and you have a Wire node powering it, you don't experience that gas fee that you do as a user if you are interacting with OpenSea or even a swap program like swap or something like that.

Inside the app for Outer Edge, we are going to do a giveaway, which is one of our third-tier nodes. If you download the app at the end of it, we are going to give away one of these nodes where anything that's built on Wire Network in perpetuity, you get free gas fees for interacting with every single app that's ever built on Wire. We are going to give one of those nodes away to a user, which is going to be fun. You guys can expect thousands of apps to be built on Wire Network so you are going to be able to utilize all of those for free.

I don't think a lot of people understand how important nodes are and how awesome that is to get your own.

I'm thankful again, Ken. This is something we would have wanted to do. Our team is lean, nimble and scrappy. We put all of our heart, tears and time into this event so you guys coming on to do this with us and expand our Outer Edge means a lot to me personally. Thank you.

I brought up Bdice. Thanks for coming on board. I see that you do recording and work in film.

I wanted to hop on up here because we are from Vancouver and got over the border. We are driving to NFT LA Outer Edge. I had reached out about media. We are working on a documentary called The 94%. It's more about the culture and arts of the Web3 space than anything but I had reached out to try and get some media accreditation and no one got back to me. Hearing you guys talk so much about supporting artists, I wanted to come up here and see if it was possible to get our film crew in there. We'd be happy to share our footage with you.

Thanks for sharing that. You can email Info@NFTLA.live right with more details just exactly what you are filming and how big of a crew you need. What happens is we got about 150 or 200 media requests and every one of them was for 4 more people. If we accommodate all of those, we have 500 plus media at our event, which gets a little bit overwhelming in terms of where all those cameras are going where it's like a game or candid camera. We have to make sure that we have the right amount of cameras in media from each team. I don't know the details of what you are looking for but email Info@NFTLA.live. Maybe we can find a middle ground that makes sense.

I will do that. There are only three of us. We are a small crew. We got the big film van so I will throw an email over. I appreciate that quick reply.

Even more, the media wants to come. We love it. I brought Tony up. I know what Tony wants to talk about. Josh, after this space, I'm doing another space that's a little bit more rated R. Tony, do you want to say what's up?

What's going on, Outer Edge family? I appreciate you guys for putting this event on. It's going to take everyone in this community to make this space what it needs to be. Everyone is dynamic. Everyone is dope and talented at what they do. Hats off to you all to continue this because you guys don't have to do this but it's having those voices and having those platforms for the voice to amplify those voices and what everyone's doing. I appreciate you guys.

It will take everyone in the Outer Edge community to make it the space it needs to be. Everyone is dynamic, talented, and dope at what they do. Click To Tweet

We have a side event going on after Outer Edge. It's going to be at 7:00 PM. It's called The House of SEX. It's not a sex orgy or sex code, nothing like that. It's Sacred Exchange Wellness and Art Gallery Exhibition. It’s going to be Downtown at the Bond Collective on the rooftop. It's going to be less than five minutes away from LA Live.

We are going to have live body painting, art, displays, food and celebrity people going to be there. Also, Cofounder from S1C Miguel's going to be live on with his S1C community. Shira Lazar. It's going to be crazy. It's going to be a great night. Enjoy art, catwalk and wellness modalities like tantra and breath work. Anything that you guys know about wellness, we are going to have there.

It's going to be a fun night so come on out. Tickets are on sale. They are only $20. It is very affordable. We understand exactly what's going on in these times. DM me if you need a ticket. If anybody needs VIP tickets to give away to also, let me know. I can hook you guys up. It's going to take everyone to make this space what it needs to be. I appreciate you guys for your time.

It's warped to my mind because when I hear sex, I hear the centralized exchange.

Get that NES. That's dope.

To all of the different community events that are on our website, we try to balance all the feedback we heard. A lot of community events are including free access. Some events are charging nominal fees like this one. Everyone should be able to decide and choose their adventure. We have them all listed on our community calendar on our website OuterEdge.live.

We also have the spreadsheet floating around because everyone loves the spreadsheet still. That's still there. Thanks to Banity. We have a heat map too. Different awards are stopping by different events that you can get bounties. If you are a visual person or you are new to LA and you are like, “How do I get from point A to point B,” we got you covered.

That's day one stuff. If you get in, I would immediately pull that stuff up, especially if this is your first time. If there are events that are across town, you may overestimate or underestimate the time it's going to take you to get from point A to point B. Rush hour traffic and everything in Los Angeles is a thing. Plan your time accordingly. I always try to at least keep in a concentrated area but, Josh, we are all over Los Angeles, aren't we? Last I checked, there are events all over the city.

For the most part, a lot of stuff is concentrated Downtown on Tuesday and Wednesday. There are some sections and then there are other places you can go throughout. I recommend going to the core event. Focus on what's around there, what's easy, stressless Tuesday and Wednesday and then be a little bit more of an explorer the rest of the week.

Always check in with your favorite NFT projects. I saw a lot of them are hosting events for their token holders and things like that. That's always going to be cool. There are some amazing musicians. If you don't love music, you are weird but there are a ton of amazing performers that are going to be throughout the city. Take the opportunity. William Shatner is going to be there. We will leave you with that. If you don't know who that is, you are wrong.

He turns 92 the day after he joins us so it’s pretty awesome to have him hang out.

Is it rude to call him like the male Betty White? He's like the lovable 90-year-old that I'm obsessed with.

Maybe he's sharper with it than Betty. He's feisty in the best possible way.

He was talking about Bitcoin years ago. Don't go up to William Shatner and try to explain blockchain. He probably knows it better than you. That's where I'm at with him. Follow his Twitter. It's hilarious.

Decryptolorian, I wanted to say I'm so excited about William Shatner. I'm a huge fan. I'm going to geek out a little bit but I did collect his NFT back when he did his first release on WAX Blockchain. I'm aging myself in the Web3 space a little bit but he did a pretty awesome collection on WAX. If you haven't seen it, it was pretty sweet. There's a little puzzle piece and there were pictures of him throughout his life. It’s a cool collection. If you get a chance, it's pretty awesome but I have been following him for years. I love the guy.

You appreciate that he's an OG. He's not someone that decided this stuff is cool.

He was in way longer than a lot of folks. He's a big believer in the space. If you said William Shatner is going to be there, I would be on a plane.

NFT Coming to the Outer Edge
Outer Edge: William Shatner was way longer in the NFT world than a lot of other folks. He is a big believer in this space.

It has a lot to do with working on the set of Star Trek because the script is ahead of its time. The tech, the science and everything in there were forward-thinking. They broke so many barriers on the set of Star Trek that rubbed off on him. Him being a sci-fi buff made him a tech enthusiast as well. It's cool. If your parents are like, “I don't get it and I will never get it,” point the way of Shatner. He gets it. Anybody can figure it out if they want to take the time.

That talk is proceeded by Shira Lazar having an incredible conversation with Krista Kim and Deepak Chopra head of Metaverse. Sam talking to Ken at Wire and OneOf. Shield is another incredible minority-owned company. We also have the one and only David Bianchi on a panel with Miguel Faus. Adhrucia Apana is talking with VICE about the future of the film NFT Now. Shout-out to our friends at NFT Now.

They are talking to some of their emerging artists or formerly emerging artists that are way beyond that. That's going to be cool. That's not enough right after it. We have this incredible panel on the macro economy of gaming with Nick Rose and Jack O'Holleran from SKALE Labs, another amazing Layer-1. Mohamed is the Head of Tokenomics for Animoca, followed by Spottie Wifi performing and Erick Calderon. It's like the who's who. I feel like every single hour is going to be fireworks. I'm going to have a hard time deciding where I'm going to be listening in.

I brought up Matt Gavin.

Thanks for bringing me up. I’m looking forward to being out there with Team WHALE and meeting a lot of you guys in person but I'm also inquiring on behalf of Team WHALE. What do you guys suggest for food options around there? Anything to note?

Downtown has an exciting food scene at this point. One of my favorite places is this Japanese place.

There's all this fusion food in Los Angeles. You got to get a California burrito with French fries in it.

I have got two incredible spots Downtown. One is Yuko Kitchen, which is the best freshest Japanese food I have ever had in my life. Not too far from there is Wild Living Foods. I'm not even a vegetarian or a vegan but it is delicious vegetarian, vegan food that doesn't taste that way. They have raw Tiramisu and all sorts of good stuff. There's whatever type of fried chicken you want. We have the best fried chicken.

That's a pretty lofty claim but I'm willing to check it out.

I'm looking forward to Italian cuisine, Josh. I don't know what this Italian dinner's about. This isn't the new restaurant’s new house, is it?

This is a private event we are catering to. We have got some eggplant and chicken parmesan. All the staples. It's like a family-style Italian dinner to kick off the week.

I will fall asleep from it. Zach, you are going to have to bring us cases of energy drinks.

We will see if there are any left after the hackathon.

I know you have got my Liquid IV.

I got you. We want to make everyone sleepy Monday night so that they get up early and join the workshops.

For all you D Gen out there, some of you are going to try to go hard right out the gate but pace yourself, kids. A little goes a long way. It's a short week but it's a long week at the same time. Even for two days on the conference floor, there are going to be a lot of interesting things. If you wear yourself out, you are not going to be able to make it all.

I made that mistake in 2022. I went so hard and then I missed out on some of the cool concerts and things like that because I was exhausted. Wear good shoes is my other advice. If you are new to a conference, these are all standard conference rules. Have a nice place to store your stuff and make lots of friends. That's the other thing.

Say what's up to people and get to know them. Don't just go around and look for people that you can partner with. In this space, there are lifetime partners that I make talking casually and showing interest in what they do, even if it has nothing to do with something I'm working on. A lot of you are going to be eager to make those contacts. Maybe some of you are selling or doing something out there but we are nascent.

I hate hearing we are early because everybody says it but we are an opportunity in Los Angeles to network and get FaceTime with people. You would never get FaceTime in other industries so take advantage of that to the fullest extent. We are coming up at the top, Josh, I don't know if there are any lingering statements you want to make. It's almost time to close out the space. What do you want to leave them with?

This has been an adventure since the previous NFT LA. There is so much that has happened. It's taken an incredibly committed and talented team. There are so much time and love to put this together. We are so excited to have everyone be part of this and to create something that is truly community-centric and inclusive of all sorts of different types of people with different backgrounds and passions from builders to creators, technologists to founders. I have so much love and gratitude for everyone that's on stage for being part of this event and our greater family.

If you have not got your ticket yet and you are coming or you want to come, there should be no barriers to you participating. Use the code NOFOMO and that's 25% off. Zach is going to make a call on who gets upgraded to dinner. Zach, I don't know if we have that data yet or if you want to DM that person. If you buy a ticket during the last hour before this space ends, reach out and you will be eligible. One lucky person will be eligible for that upgrade. I'm excited about that and have all of you as part of Outer Edge LA 2023. Let's go.

Thank you so much for joining and we look forward to connecting with you guys after the event.

That's pretty much it. I don't have any more closing remarks. Thank you so much, Josh, for sharing all that stuff. Thank you so much everyone up here on stage for sharing what is going to be of Outer Edge. Have a good one you all.

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