Join us and the leaders, innovators and builders of the NFT space as we dive into the fascinating nitty gritty of the future of NFT tech space.
Hands down the best source of bleeding edge insights, amazing interviews with those on the forefront of this transformative technology.
In one episode after the next you meet NFT pioneers who are doing astounding things with NFTs. If you are interested in art, crypto, blockchain, or the future, this podcast is a must listen!
These guys are the real deal, basically a MUST listen for the cyrpto space!! Also - they keep it energetic and fun! I can’t get enough of this podcast!
This podcast cuts through the NFT fluff and gets to the creative core of the types of business models that are and will be emerging that utilize this exciting and revolutionary tech.
Thanks for the insight. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
Love the guys on edge of NFT.
Love the guys on edge of NFT.
Curiosity brought me to this podcast and wanting to learn more about the “NFT” world. Their honesty, approach, and curiosity makes this a must listen to podcast for anyone who knows anything about NFT’s. Guest line up are amazing. Thank you Josh, Eathan, and Jeff! Keep up the great work!
I really enjoy the Edge of NFT podcast! So far the podcast has been very informative and helpful in the early booming industry of NFT. Can’t wait to see who they interview next!
Eathan, Jeff and Josh are a great hosting team - with the perfect blend of curiosity, technical smarts and industry optimism. I’ve loved every episode so far and I’m discovering new and exciting projects all the time through their show.
This show stands out as one that’s not just about fun but covers technically sophisticated facets of the industry and brings guests that are going to change the game over the long term. Listening, I feel like an insider in the future of tech.
All you need to know about NFT, especially practical applications of NFT in various industries. Goes beyond the mainstream and into the nitty gritty to uncover the technical details of the entire NFT space - 10/10
Serial entrepreneur from Boston now staying warm in SoCal who has launched and consulted with businesses across a variety of industries (food, fashion, art, and entertainment).
He’s dabbled and then some with data analytics/visualization and marketplaces. Enjoys sports games and funky art with a message.
A polymath with achievements in science, entrepreneurship and the arts. He holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, has published scientific research on birdsong and was chosen for the prestigious Djerassi artists' residency in 2015.
He's the artist behind Spirit Seed NFTs (, a collaboration with NFT influencer Nicole Buffett that offsets annual carbon emissions along with many other utilities.
Serial entrepreneur, investor, and creator enamored with the Edges of technology and society that push us to new heights. Sports – Yes. Entertainment – Yes. Collectibles – Yes. Crypto – Yes. NFTs – Hell yes!
Army Veteran and Yale MBA with a knack for improv when the moment calls for it.
Serial entrepreneur from Louisiana (Who DAT!) now living in the tech hub ATX whose experience spans operations, sales, marketing and media.
Passionate blockchain and web3 educator, he's hosted and produced over 300 podcasts. Avid sports fan that enjoys traveling and video games.
Used by 10,000's of people to grow their knowledge of NFTs and find their edge.