|||Blockchain Based Property Titles: It took two years to educate the local politicians that what we’re building is not Bitcoin, and it's not a scam.|Blockchain Based Property Titles: Once we can prove that you own something, we can then track the origin of production. |Blockchain Based Property Titles: Latin America skipped over the infrastructure and went right to the best tech. |Blockchain Based Property Titles: When you can prove that you own the land, you can make it liquid.|Blockchain Based Property Titles: We're all trying to give back by creating a place where artists can get a little more exposure.|Blockchain Based Property Titles: One of the things we created is a little cartoon robot to teach people about the company’s products.|

Anton Glotser Of DelNorte Terravision - Global Blockchain-Based Property Titles, Plus James Fink & Jeannine Penn Of Kinder Hearts, And More...

April 24, 2023
May 11, 2022
NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles


Before the pandemic, many Latin American governments thought blockchain-based property was a scam but nowadays crypto and NFTs are beginning to look like a doorway to opportunity for the region. Jeff Kelley, Eathan Janney, and Josh Kriger sit with Anton Glotser of DelNorte Terravision. Anton shares how he diligently tried for years to educate politicians about crypto real estate and to create the right blockchain real estate business with the right partners. The pandemic created many 2nd, 3rd and even higher order effects that nobody would have dreamed of, not lease of which is increased awareness of the value of digitalized real estate. With this greater awareness, DelNorte was bound to take off. Anton explained how an initial focus on smaller deals made it feasible to transform the economies of multiple countries. James Fink & Jeannine Penn of Kinder Hearts also come in to share the massive impact they create with art and cryptocurrency. Don’t miss this episode!

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Anton Glotser Of DelNorte Terravision – Global Blockchain-Based Property Titles, Plus James Fink & Jeannine Penn Of Kinder Hearts, And More…

NFT curious readers, check out this episode to learn how DelNorte identify and resolving one of the biggest problems with global real estate ownership.

What our guests uses their pillars of strength and why they are meaningful.

Kindred Hearts and Favrit are making the business of social impact their business by sharing their hearts genuinely with the world. All this and more on this episode. Enjoy.

This sponsored spotlight episode features Anton Glotser, the Founder of DelNorte, the blockchain FinTech product company that is revolutionizing real estate by developing hardware-based title and property ownership, management transaction, and endorsement protocols. They link government-verified proof of ownership with private commerce to unlock the true value of land and provide a secure way to invest, transact, and manage resources, and track and take legal possession of real assets.

Anton has founded several successful startups, real estate, online sales, marketing, mortgages, and technology including Andean Brewing Company, the only craft beer sold in New York City’s LaGuardia Airport, and Texas Oil & Gas Management. He also co-produced several commercially successful and award-winning feature films. Anton has spent the last couple of years building DelNorte and educating private sector and government leaders worldwide about its capabilities. Now, he is here with us to do the same for the show and our community as well.

Anton, welcome to the program.

It is nice to meet you.

We like to start at the beginning with our guests and elevate the origin story for our audience. What is the DelNorte origin story?

It started back in 2017, about the time when crypto started pumping in the public space and people started talking about it on the news. One of my friends and business partners from films got in touch with me and said, “We should look into this crypto thing. Maybe we can make some money there.” Before that, I had no idea what Ethereum or Bitcoin was. I did meet somebody in 2015 who told me to buy Ethereum. Back then, it was difficult to buy it. You had to jump through a bunch of hoops. It cost pennies and I did not buy it, but I should have jumped through those hoops and at least learned them.

At that same time, I was dating a girl whose family happened to be in the government of Honduras. Her father was a congressman and a minister of budget and planning for that country. I had a real estate background and I have worked in real estate since 2005 for myself as well as for several large companies, I worked in their acquisitions department.

One of the things I had to do was to put together $100 million deals. The biggest challenge in those deals internationally was to figure out who owns the property because there is no title insurance outside of the United States and parts of Europe in places like India or Mexico. If you look at different government departments’ core deeds because there is more than one, they would have the same document and land but different owners. We would then be like, “We cannot buy this.”

When I started going to Honduras and this was back when CryptoKitties and CryptoPunks got on the scene, I said, “You can encode real estate information into the NFTs.” I started with that idea. It took probably the first two years to educate the local politicians that what I am building is not Bitcoin and it was not a scam, but once I overcame that hurdle, we hit the pandemic. In some ways, that expedited the process.


If you’re trying to go for the whole country, go for the small deals first because they’re easier to get.  Click To Tweet


It normally took a decade for the people to say the world was moving through touchless. You were doing everything on your phone. Everything was paperless, but that one year was like a decade in education because everybody could not leave their home. You could not go and sign a document even when people were trying to do deals. I was doing a 1031 exchange myself that was interrupted because of the pandemic. It is when you change one real estate property for another in the US. Everybody was unprepared.

Something that could have taken months took years because they did not have this touchless communication. Afterward in 2001 when things opened back up and the government got back on track, they were like, “Maybe this will give you a shot.” We were already bankrupt. It could not have gotten any worse. I then got my first contract to tokenize the entire agricultural industry of Honduras.

At that point, I already had three iterations of the company. By that, I mean, my initial partners thought it took too long so they quit. I created another company with new partners. They waited for a year and thought it took too long so they also quit. I then created a third company with new partners and they held out a month before I got the contract.

I did have a friend who was in tech in Ukraine. He was like, “I know crypto. I will help you.” He and I put together the technology app I got after the contract. We got it off the ground, which is the iteration of the company that I have now. Before, the company had different names as well, but in this one, he and I became partners as well as my family and other associates in Honduras.

We became the majority owners because we did all the work for five years, and then this 2022, we also got a contract in El Salvador to tokenize a part of that country because, by the time we got that contract, I already raised money. We had a lot of things to show for it. We were able to throw a big event that was televised and made a lot of El Salvadorian and Central American publicity that we are the first company that is doing it. Ironically, El Salvador made Bitcoin and all crypto legal. You can go onto any techs and exchange Bitcoin through any other coin without anybody knowing who you are or what you are doing. One coin becoming legal means all of them are legal so they gave it a shot.

That contract was a local one but there is something that a lot of these countries have which I noticed early on back in 2018 when we started talking to people in congress and researched laws. It turns out that because a lot of the Latin American countries mostly speak Spanish, they plagiarize each other as laws. By plagiarizing, they copied them.

They just change the name from Mexico to Honduras, which I think is a good thing. They have the same language and very similar cultures. At least 90% of the laws are the same throughout and they have the same problems because of that as well. It is quite easy to copy and paste the project from one place to another. Moreover, even when you start small, they have legislation on books that mandates the government to adopt whatever works. That is the simplest way I can put it.


NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Blockchain Based Property Titles: It took two years to educate the local politicians that what we’re building is not Bitcoin, and it’s not a scam.


If there is a new project for water, agriculture, or even technology, they have to go with the cheapest and have to at least try to implement them nationwide after the pilot program works on a local level as long as you put your local government’s obligations, etc. Before, I was trying to go to the whole country, but I realized that I do not have to. I can go for the small deals, which are easier to get. By that, I can get the whole country anyways. I believe that before the end of 2022, we will be at least in five countries in Latin America, pretty much every country in Central America, and most of South America at this point. We are talking to all of those governments.

This is a big deal. As we have talked through these episodes and laypeople who are not deep into crypto and they say, “NFT? What are these JPEGs and all this stuff?” This is the example that I always give them when I say this is here to stay. It is specifically exciting when you think about something like how cell phone technology took over Africa and developing countries and how people could leapfrog from not having computers at all to all of a sudden having access to the world’s information. They did not need to have that infrastructure because it was wireless.

This is interesting with what you are doing in these Latin American countries. There is an infrastructure that even though they do not have the infrastructure is an infrastructure that is online and on a ledger that could be imported. You are patient. You are the one that is doing it. It is incredible. Let’s dive deep into the details here.

As I said in the intro, link government-verified proof of ownership with private commerce, unlock the true value of the land, provide a secure way to invest, transact, track, take legal action, and possession of real assets. That is a lot of different facets. Is it that these are natural outcroppings of the fact that you have attached NFTs? How much of these details require a lot of extension on your part of how things work with DelNorte?

I will explain to you why all those facets that you mentioned are in there. The number one wealth creator historically all over the world is real estate, whether you were a king or a peasant. Anytime throughout history, land equals wealth. That is hands down what is true since people started doing agriculture. One of the biggest reasons the developing world is still developing and is not already developed is because they do not have clarity of ownership. People cannot often prove that they own what they own, and because they cannot prove that they own it, they cannot finance it.

When they do finance, the deals that they are getting are horrible compared to what we are getting here in America or in Europe, but certainly in Europe because, in Europe, you can go to Germany and buy a million-dollar apartment in Berlin and get a loan for 50 years at 1/2 of 1% interest rate. You are paying $100 for a million-dollar loan a month for the next 600 months.

You cannot get those kinds of deals in Africa, Latin America, India, or Southeast Asia. Over there in Latin America, you get a 15% loan for 50% of the price. Also, they usually require you to own something previously so they can take the house that you own because the rates are so crazy and the other house that you put up so you cannot get ahead.


One of the biggest reasons the developing world is not developed yet is because they don’t have clarity of ownership.  Click To Tweet


I heard plenty of stories in Latin America too of people having a property, but if they have another property somewhere else that they live on and their neighbors decide, “We like that next-door neighbor’s property.” They are not around that much so they can squat on the land and then it becomes very difficult to claim what you own. It sounds like this is an incredible solution for things like that.

The raw ambition of this vision is what has impressed me. I should let our audience know that we are exploring some strategic partnership with DelNorte because we think what these guys are doing is exciting. We will be hanging out together in Davos and that will be a lot of fun. One of the things that are so important to us is having a clear set of core values and ethos for how you do business because there are a lot of ways to make money in the world, and certainly, in Web 3.0, the possibilities are unlimited. Having that foundation for how you do business is important to us. I know you focus on four pillars of strength. I want to learn more about them and why they are so meaningful to you.

I do not want to say that we are not trying to make money here because we certainly are, but we also understand that in order to build a company and a great product, it takes time and effort. If I just wanted to make a quick buck, I could have done that years ago when it was the crypto craze and people were making white papers that have nothing on them, no backends, got the millions of dollars, and then disappear.

There is a company that you may have heard of called Factum. They raised quite a bit of money in the tens of millions. From the news, it said they were going to sign an MOU with the government of Honduras. They never signed an MOU. I know the guy who was supposed to sign. He went to Washington, got cold feet, and went home. He had a free meal and a free hotel.

I had my MOU signed by the vice president of that country three months into my visiting that country. I did not go public with that because I did not think that was enough. I took the time to get an actual contract. I can show you a dozen MOUs with Coldwell Banker of Central America and a bunch of other public and private entities. To me, while they are very important and certainly investors like those things, they are not contractually obligatory deals.

That is true, but I will say getting any kind of MOU from a governmental entity regardless of contractual obligations is still pretty impressive. It symbolically means a lot in terms of the intent of both parties, right?

Yes, I agree.


NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Blockchain Based Property Titles: Once we can prove that you own something, we can then track the origin of production.


Backing up, what are the pillars that are foundational to how you run your company and the culture that you are creating?

First and foremost, we are a business. Our goal is to create wealth both for the people who use our products and people who invest in our products, and that is our investors and our clients. Our slogan is to create wealth and security for the people, and if we can provide that, that also covers our second pillar, which is our brand and protecting the brand. Our brand is very important because we want to be, one day in the future, as big as Google or Microsoft, or any of the other five tech giants.

The third pillar that we are focused on is ethics. In this case, we covered it pretty well because by giving clarity of title to people, we are not just focused on the investors, which is what a lot of these other allegedly competitors of ours are. They are NFT-ing some property because they want to crowdfund the deal, but the reality is that most of the world is not investors. They are just regular people that might own a farm or a home. They are not looking for crowdfunding. They are looking to prove that they own what they own or they live where they are supposed to be living.

Those are regular people that we are going after. Our business model is more like a Walmart, which is huge volumes with very low margins. Because the volumes are so big and how we structure our deal effectively become irreplaceable in those people’s lives, we believe we will be creating a lot of wealth for those communities that we are tokenizing.

We are having this show on a day when the markets in the US have taken a big tumble. These simple concepts of creating wealth and sustainable economic value, which is going to be a conversation in Davos as well are not small topics and not to be taken lightly. Every aspect of our society is very fragile. It is having these types of strong pillars that create possibilities for more stability throughout the world.

With our product, we cover directly 11 of the 17 sustainable development goals, which is like the United Nation goals. Indirectly, we cover all of them because what we are trying to solve is the root cause of wealth creation and also wealth destruction, which is ownership. If you can own something, then you can start building wealth. If you cannot own something, then you cannot start building wealth. It is that simple.

Whereas a lot of the businesses focus on a specific area, we are trying to cover the area from which everything grows. If we are successful there, and I hope and believe we will be, we will be indirectly impacting even simple things like wildlife preservation and preservation of nature and land. When you know that you own that land that may be adjacent to that forest or a coral reef, you will be more likely incentivized to preserve it because you want to live next to something that is valuable and you cherish.


As a business, the goal is to create wealth for consumers and investors.  Click To Tweet


If you know that in your particular country or area you can be kicked off that land at any time at the whim of some politician, then you are not going to care as much about it because there is no long-term incentive to preserve whether it is a historical building or some forest. It is that simple. We are not in the land preservation management business, but if you create the right incentives for the people, it solves a lot of the problems.

The incentive is the underpinning of any great economic system, either micro or macro. Aligned incentives help a ton. You talked a lot about geographic expansion. It is a major part of your growth path. What are your overarching growth goals beyond just physical location and how do you define those?

Our business growth goal is when we can acclimate the people to use our platform and our service and get them to trust us with their land and their house. We already built a payment infrastructure that is able to process crypto and fiat transactions simultaneously within the same system. We have a patent-pending hardware-software solution. It is a hybrid solution. I do not want to call it Web 3.0 because I do not think it is exactly that. It is more of a hybrid solution that uses existing technology and laws. Once we can prove that you own something, we can then track the origin of the production.

We are not the ones proving it. It is the government that is validating the ownership. When you say, “I own this farm and I grow a ton of coffee on this farm,” the government validates that you do own that farm. You can input all the data for the coffee, like altitude, moisture, content, etc. When you say, “I sell this coffee to this company that buys coffee.” When they now pay me, we can track the payment. It is validated by a third party. Now, you have this entire infrastructure with supply chain management already built into it and the value of both your land and the asset that you have produced on that land is expanded.

You can then pay that to the bank. You can also sell it to the consumer for more money because you can clearly show its origin and prove this was organic. You can say, “This was grown with XYZ fertilizer. I used this tractor to plow it.” All of that data already exists. People already have all this information. They are already using it. It is just not connected to anything, or sometimes it is, but that supply chain is proprietary information of some company. We are giving them effectively an open-source platform where you can plug in all this data and all these other supply chains. They validate each other through third-party validation. You then have a whole ecosystem. We collect a small fee for all of that.

New technology makes it simple to create wealth. We look at the boom in software as surface companies. That has happened over the years when people realized, “I can make software to help local real estate agents manage their paperwork and make millions of dollars because there is efficiency there that needs to be unlocked.” What you are showing here with what you said goes even way beyond the surface. It is all of these ways in which efficiencies get added and you put things on the blockchain. Clearly, we are excited about things. We want to know when the DTV coin gets publicly listed. Can you tell me about its functionality and how it is going to integrate into the system?

I cannot give you an exact date not because it is sacred information, but because we do not have one yet. We are hoping that in June 2022, it will be public. We have had some delays but nothing major. We are talking to several of the top 20 largest exchanges by volume. I am not going to name which ones because we do not have a deal with anybody yet. We were able to get a couple of somewhat well-known crypto investment funds on board.


NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Blockchain Based Property Titles: Latin America skipped over the infrastructure and went right to the best tech.


They are helping us with the public listing, their connections, etc. Also, one of the funds was a stipulation of their investment that we go to Davos World Economic Forum for business development. After that, we will have a much clearer picture of the exact date. By that time, we should have one when we are going public. I can give you the price at which we are going public.

The other thing that slowed us down, but is being resolved hopefully soon as I have a meeting right after this event, is we needed to partner with a layer-1 chain. We did get a grant from Polygon, but unfortunately, we were not able to facilitate that partnership as well as we wanted to. There were too many delays. We decided to go with somebody else, and that deal is already sealed. I do not want to call it yet, but I have my final meeting with them, and either we go with them or we will not, but we are 95% sure we will. That will be on much more solid ground as far as going forward.

This is the real blocking and tackling of our industry, trying to choose the right layer-1 partner. We have talked before in the show that there are a lot of grants out there. If you have a big vision you want to do and the team to do it, a lot of these layer-1 solutions will consider what you are doing. That is Polygon and SKALE. There are a lot of possibilities there too.

We are excited to see where things go next for you. I am sure you will have a lot of exciting updates for folks about your project. We will talk more about it in Davos when we get to hang out and in Switzerland in May 2022, which will be beautiful. I have one last question before we move on here. We like to take a step back and understand what inspires folks to build in this space in the realm of Web 3.0 and NFTs. We want to know what other projects in this space have inspired you over the last few years.

It is not so much about other projects. It is the actual technology itself. I have always been interested in technology since I was in middle school. I won a science fair when I was in high school. I had a bunch of things that I tried to patent that I invented when I was in college, including a remote-controlled skateboard as well as a ball that made electromagnetic fields.

When I learned about Bitcoin and Ethereum for the first time, especially the very early versions of NFTs like the CryptoKitties, I realized that there are a lot of use cases to the stack and we are now in the same timeframe as we would have been with the internet back in the ‘90s except the difference is we have high-speed internet in a lot of places in the world.

I got 5G, but we do have 4G pretty much everywhere in Latin America already. In many places, it is better than it is in the US because they skipped over the infrastructure phase. They went right to the best tech because they have nothing to replace, which is nothing there, to begin with. I already knew some of the problems that they had was real estate. For example, the pilot programs we are tokenizing like states in El Salvador have no maps. In their deed, they will tell you, “I have this neighbor on this side and this neighbor on this side. This is how big the land is,” but there is no actual map. This was like surveying technology from the 15th or 14th Century, yet, everybody has smartphones.


Ownership is the root cause of wealth creation.  Click To Tweet


They do not have tech that should have been basic land survey stuff. We are not going to be doing a basic land survey. What we are going to be doing is getting a drone called the program with the algorithm where it has the data points of the size of the land. We will fly over one area and map it out. We then have to verify it with the landowners like, “This is Jose’s land. This is Ricardo’s land. This is Ronaldo’s land, etc.” In America, it is harder to do that because they do have surveys and other things, and because they do have this entrenched system already that works pretty well, it is harder to replace it. When we are doing our project here in Miami, it will not be nearly as impactful as the same project in Latin America.

It is interesting you guys have pursued this thing. We do not think a lot about real estate internationally, the meaning of ownership, and why NFTs can help solve that problem in a lot of big ways. It has not been something that has come across our desk much, but it makes a lot of sense. It makes sense on so many different levels. It is as applicable in the United States as elsewhere, but the net value is so much more internationally based on what you have described. I appreciate you sharing all that with us.

Microfinancing is tiny loans to people who are underprivileged or colloquially called poor people. These are people who do not have bank accounts. They cannot prove that they own the land that they have, but let’s say they want to start a business and they need a $100 loan, which to an average American is one day’s work or maybe not depending on your job, but for them, that could be a month-long salary. They cannot get that, but with microfinancing, which was a big boom many years ago. If you got a cell phone and you got an application, you can get a tiny loan and start a home business.

I do not know if that industry has become a trillion-dollar industry, but it is certainly in the hundred-plus billion-dollar industry globally. I think it is in the $10 billion or $50 billion in India alone already. What that microfinancing has done for small businesses and economic development in places like Africa, Latin America, and Asia, we hope to have that type of impact for macro financing because when you can prove that you own the land and the real estate, you can make it liquid. You can inject money into it.

People, investors, banks, crowdfunding, etc. are no longer scared to finance that deal. You can liquify, in the money sense, all of the real estate. Depending on which source you look at, there is about $300 trillion to $500 trillion worth of real estate in the world. The majority of the wealth comes from real estate and the markets, most of the developing nations are not trusted or well-known because it is very hard to prove and it is very easy to cheat.

For example, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala all have stock markets. You are not going to call your buddy and be like, “Buy this hot stock in Guatemala.” It does not happen with the locals because they do not trust them. It is public information. You can look at their charts and their trading history. At best, they might have one trade a month. It is a joke. We can impact all those markets.

I am sure you can and in a big way. We appreciate you getting into all the details there and sharing them with our audience. There is a lot of big momentum here. We see big things happening for you. We are excited to see the next steps for you. We want to take a minute and move to our next segment though. It is an exciting one. It is a hot topic that has come across our desk. I want to kick it over to Ethan to talk a little bit about what we are looking at here.


NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Blockchain Based Property Titles: When you can prove that you own the land, you can make it liquid.


What a great interview, Anton. It is great to get to know you. This episode’s sponsored spotlight hot topic covers the project or movement called the Kindred Hearts Art Project that will donate funds to nonprofits that directly support their mission of making a difference and impact in the real world. The team at the Kindred Hearts’ parent company, Favrit, is driven by the collective desire to affect positive social change to financial inclusion and empowerment belief that every individual regardless of age, race, gender, class, ethnicity, citizenship, or social status deserves to be treated like the Favrit and given the opportunity to succeed.

Favrit partnered with over 50 artists and contributors to launch Kindred Hearts. We have a couple of reps from the project here to talk about things. We have the Head of Partnerships and Contributing Artist James Fink aka Art Snitch as well as the Creative Director and Contributing Artist, Jeannine Penn aka xoj9. It is great to have you guys here. We are excited to hear a little bit more about the project. Tell me about making art for it. I would love to know a little bit about that. Who would love to jump in and say how you were inspired?

Thanks for having us on. I am going to probably throw it over Jeannine because she is the creative director. Jeannine, I will throw it to you to talk about the creative side because that is one of the more exciting parts of the project.

Thank you. I got involved with the project a couple of months ago, but I got into NFTs a few years ago. Like many of us, we were under lockdown with the pandemic. Someone told me about Clubhouse. I had never heard about Clubhouse. I went in thinking, “What is this surreal alternative universe I did not know about?” It also is a reminder we live in a big world with a lot of interesting people.

I was attracted to the art rooms. I kept listening and everyone was talking about NFTs. I called my nephew who was an early Bitcoin guy. I said, “Alex, what do you think about NFTs?” He goes, “They are on Ethereum and it is unstable. I do not know. I will look into it and get back to you.” He got back to me and said, “You should do it.” I started listening and learning and doing a little bit of my own art. I became more of a collector than a creator.

I am a very heart-centered person. I grew up with a mom who believed in giving back and taught my son with three piggy banks to have one to save, one to share, and one to spend. I feel like this project embodies that in so many ways. Johnny Utah who is the Founder of Favrit, which came from a note that his daughter left him you are my favorite, felt during the pandemic that his family was incredibly privileged and wanted to do more. He thought, “There is so much going on in cryptocurrency. What can we do to give back to the world to people that need it more?” Thus, Favrit was born and Kindred Hearts became our first project.

The art in Kindred Hearts is based on a heart, and when B. Creative, the co-creative director, and I were brainstorming and meeting about this, we ended up developing these cards that have ten layers. We knew we wanted to bring multiple artists into it. We knew so many artists. We love the artist community. The question was, how do we do it, keep it interesting, and make it unique?


We can do so much with cryptocurrency to give back to people who need more.  Click To Tweet


We decided to assign three of the layers to the artists. None of the artists knew who else was working on it. They had to sign an NDA. No one was allowed to talk about it. They might choose to do a heart layer or a background layer, or what we call charms. There is one top and one bottom, and then we worked with our developer to create a unique generator to generate this. We have billions of possibilities of how the artists collaborated. We also have 21 one-of-ones, and the way that everyone will see them is if we mint out. We have not sold out yet.

I will add to that. We had almost 60 artists collaborating on this. That was quite a feat to put together. You reach out to friends that are artists and their friends and you ask them to deliver deliverables by the time. It was a lot of hair-pulling, but at the same time, it was cool. As a contributing artist, my heart popped up with other artists that I have gotten to know over the last couple of months working on this project with Jeannine. It has been cool to now say I have collaborated and connected with people that without this project, I probably would not have, except for being in maybe some spaces or Clubhouse rooms with which you might end up on stage with them and talk or you might not, but this is a little bit more heartfelt.

The second piece of this that is important is that a large portion of the funds goes to nonprofits. We work with The Giving Block to match that. We decided early on, even before showing up, that we wanted to put our heart where our mouth was and our wallet was. We have already donated over $40,000 to different charities even though we have not mint it out yet.

This project is not about necessarily making money. It is about employing people to make sure that contracts are right and all of those things are done well, but outside of that, none of the founders are trying to take any money. We are all trying to give back and create a place where artists can get a little more exposure. My mom is one of the artists. She is a traditional artist. She has never done an NFT or digital piece of artwork in her life. She has got a heart and I have got a heart, and hopefully, they mix together. That is a cool little story of many that go along with this project.

We were talking earlier about how excited people were about the social impact panels at NFT LA and how this is a really important way to tie people together, in this case, heart first, in terms of the power of blockchain and NFTs. In this show, we have seen two very different ways of making a social impact. Anton, do you have any thoughts on this cool project?

I do like art. I am certainly not an art expert but I think it is hard to distinguish, at least in my opinion, good art from bad art. I read a bunch of books on traditional arts like Graham & Brown and Picasso that became famous and popular because of promotion. Some of these people died penniless and homeless. Even the Mona Lisa, which is the most famous art piece in the world, only became famous because it got stolen from the Louvre. Before that, nobody cared about or knew about it. At the end of the day, I think that if you have huge PR behind it, then it becomes famous, popular, and expensive. If you do not, you are one of a million artists.

One of the things about the NFT world that is interesting is that it is coupled with the art. In a lot of cases, there is a secondary goal of giving back and having an impact beyond the economic interests of the founders. A lot of them do it and they leverage it. We have one that has a secondary goal of that as well. It is our Living Tree project. It does not mean it is not important, but it is a secondary goal. It is a give-back program.


NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Blockchain Based Property Titles: We’re all trying to give back by creating a place where artists can get a little more exposure.


When you say as a part of the Favrit community that giving back is at the essence of the project, it is a bit of a different take and it means a lot. I like the statement that the company is driven by the collective desire to effect positive social change through financial inclusion and empowerment. That is a bold statement. You got to align what you do with what you believe in order to deliver that authentically.

We appreciate that.

We rebuild on the 2nd of May 2022. We have been doing a lot more rooms, Twitter spaces, and Clubhouse rooms to meet more of the people in our community. We also feel like it is a culture. Each of these projects has a culture to them on the DNA of the project. I am not surprised by the people that are attracted to this and show up. They have some incredible stories to share with us about their own lives and what they are doing in their life. Sometimes, out of terrible circumstances, they have created foundations.

There is this amazing artist who has Crohn’s disease and suffers from pain. He loves our project and our community. They are not just heart-centered but they also are a culture of giving back to the world and taking bad situations and making them good. They are looking at someone down the street or across the world saying, “I might be in this situation, but I can help,” and that is important. Our whole team is the same way. That is why we are all in this project, but also, the people that are collecting are like-minded.

I am sure most of you have collected projects. What is also interesting is that there is always a lot of flipping that goes early on. There are always the flippers. Nobody is putting them up for sale. They are holding. Part of that is the mission. I am biased, but the arts are awesome. We get so giddy every time we see a new one revealed because we do not know. Is it going to be Charmaine’s heart and Kane’s background, or someone else? These are artists that are well-known in the space. The artists are all on Twitter saying, “That is so amazing.” Kane was like, “I have never felt this way. I usually want my art to go out in the world, but I feel like I want to collect all of mine. I want them to be mine.” There is a lot of emotion here.

It reminds me of this game. It is called Exquisite Corpse. Has anybody ever played this? There are various names for it, but it is where you fold an 8.5 by 11 into 3 segments so that you cannot see any of the other segments. One person draws the legs and they draw a couple of lines to inspire the next person to draw the midsection, and then they fold that over and draw a couple of lines for someone to draw the head and shoulders of an exquisite corpse or a monster. It is always fun to do. It has a very similar ethos. You get a little bit of a place in the project, but you are throwing together everybody’s inspiration to create something that is a surprise, but usually, a pleasant and interesting surprise.

It feels like that very much when it reveals.


Take bad situations and make them good.  Click To Tweet


I am hovering through a lot of these on Twitter and the reveals that people have shared. There is such so much beauty from the zebra heart with the dolphin hanging out or the sea horses to the heart with a skull in there. There are different versions of beauty here. Congrats on what you guys have done. I wish you the best with the journey in this project and wherever it leads from here. We have a little giveaway for our fans as well for this project. It is ten kindred hearts, correct?


Those are NFT mint passes. We appreciate that. Keep an eye on our socials for the details on how to secure one of those coveted passes. We will have some information on that very soon, but also, we want to make sure that folks know where to follow the project and all of the fun happenings around it. Where should they go?

KindredHearts.io is the website and @KindredHeartsIO on Twitter is probably the best place to stay in touch with everything that we are putting out there, people tagging us and mentioning us as they reveal their hearts, and showing off as well. A lot of the artists are pretty active on our socials and celebrating what they are seeing, which is cool because we have had some very large artists that have participated in this as well as some new artists. There is a lot of action, talking, and celebrating.

It is something to celebrate for sure. I love the mission, the vision, the alignment, the DNA, and everything you guys have shared with us. We will be following it closely and we hope our readers do as well.

Thank you very much for having us.

Thank you so much. We will talk soon. We wanted to do a quick shift to our next segment as well. It is about giving back and elevating folks that are important to us and important to our community. I want to kick it over to Josh for a little fan shout-out. Josh, the floor is yours.


NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Blockchain Based Property Titles: One of the things we created is a little cartoon robot to teach people about the company’s products.


This one is special. I have known Eugen Lopin for a long time, and so does Anton. He has been a friend of mine in the crypto community for many years. He was kind enough to introduce us to Anton. He has been cooking up some really cool stuff in the background, and one of those projects is Magnetic 3D. He has joined as head of growth and partnerships. Congrats to Eugene for this new exciting role.

For those of you that went to NFT LA, you got to see what Magnetic 3D is all about. It is cool. What we are talking about is they are developing holographic display technology. They are all about the hardware, the software, and content solutions for market-leading, glass-free holographic displays. These are 28 to 100-inch screens in tablets. He has come on to manage this division for consumers in this space. If you want to check out some cool holographic displays, look at Magnetic 3D and you can reach out to Eugene on Twitter @LopinEugene.

That is very cool. Thanks, Josh, for giving that shout-out here. Anton, we covered a lot of ground. There is a lot to digest. For a lot of people, there is probably a learning curve here. We want people to be able to go and dive a little bit deeper with DelNorte, learn about it, and be able to support it. Where should folks go to do that both with websites as well as socials?

We have two websites. One of them is specifically for the coin and then the other one is more of a business website. It talks about our various platforms and technology, and that one is more for business and governments. The coin one is very simple. It is DTV.tech and the other one is DelNorte.space.

Thanks so much. Go check it out. There is so much to uncover. There are lots of layers of the onion to peel back. Word on the street is we also have a little giveaway from DelNorte. We got some Ditto NFTs and DTV crypto coins. Is there anything else you want to share about that little giveaway?

Early on this 2022, the metaverse thing took off and a lot of the people that I spoke with were like, “What are you doing about the metaverse? Why are not you in the metaverse?” We are opening up an office in the metaverse. One of the things that we created is this little cartoon robot to teach people about the products, the company, and the coin. The robot is called Ditto.

Specifically for the show, we created 100 of these NFTs and we are going to give away 10 of them. This is my first NFT launch so subscribe to our website. People can go in and put in their email, and if they win, they will get one of these loot boxes, and when they mint it, they will see what the robot looks like. Otherwise, they will be available on OpenSea.

The reason I mentioned metaverse is we also partnered with an individual named Marcus Shingles who is the former president of XPRIZE. He was the co-creator of the metaverse education program for the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. This company is called Exponential Destiny. We have partnered with them and they will be doing the metaverse education on our behalf.

That is something that we are donating to the places where we will open up pilot programming in every country or every city and state. We will be doing the metaverse education, we will have a metaverse office, and then we will have this little metaverse robot that will ideally hold your hand and walk you through all the metaverse and show you how you can tokenize real estate, certify the token, and do all the transactions, etc.

Keep your eye on our socials for giveaway details. We will give you all the information on how to enter and participate through our platform. That is very cool and generous of you. Thanks for offering that. Thanks again for everything. We do appreciate having you on and sharing with us everything you have been working on. We have reached the outer limit of the show.

Thanks so much for exploring with us. We have got space for more ventures on the starship, so invite your friends and recruit some cool strangers to make this journey all so much better. How? Go to Spotify or iTunes, rate us and say something awesome, and go to EdgeofNFT.com to dive further down the rabbit hole. Lastly, be sure to tune in next time for more great NFT content. Thanks again for sharing this time with us.


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About Anton Glotser

NFT Anton | Blockchain Based Property Titles

Since his youth, Anton Glotser has been an entrepreneur, across different regions. His unique vision and networking skills have contributed to his success today, he leads Del Norte by applying years of experience in overcoming hard lessons.As the CEO and founder of Delnorte Holdings inc., Mr. Glotser directs all divisions across multiple company disciplines. This ability to unify goals and people to work toward a bigger overarching success was built over the last two decades.

The idea for Delnorte ignited as far back as 2005 when Mr. Glotser started in Real Estate, working on multi-million dollar commercial and residential development and acquisition. He also held two executive-level roles at fortune 500 real estate development firms and invested heavily in mortgage notes, oil & gas, technology, film & tv production and cryptocurrency.

The first iteration of Delnorte began in 2017, formalized in 2019. Since the official launch, Mr. Glotser has developed strong networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. Throughout his travels he has acquired extensive experience working with parastatals and government institutions, to elevate their programme for digital transformation.
One of the flagship contracts that Delnorte holds is with Honduras. The nationwide contract aims to digitize commercial and residential property and recognize NFT as a valid instrument to create disaster modeling software.

Due to my business background, I occasionally consult private investors and companies on investment strategies in mortgage notes, oil & gas, technology, film & tv production and cryptocurrency. I also act as a political & business liaison for several governments and companies, right now mostly in Latin America, Caribbean and Eastern Europe.


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